5 Week Base Strength Program

Stability, Coordination, Endurance, Strength, Power

Stacked Strong to the Core

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Welcome to Stacked Fitness 'Strong to the Core' program. 

Your core is the central most important part of your body when it comes to building your health & fitness. It connects the upper and lower body and provides a base to build our body’s overall strength.

In this program you'll find out what your ‘core’ actually is, why it is so critical to our well-being and what are the best most effective ways to build and maintain a healthy core.

How Does the Program Work?
The course is broken down into 5 weeks with each week addressing a different element that contributes to your overall core strength.

Each day you will have a series of exercises and different movement patterns to learn, practice and over time, master.

Week one focuses on stability, week two on coordination, in week three we address muscular endurance, week four guides you through strength training before tackling power in our final week.

At the end of the course you have a for a well-rounded and science-based approach to functional core training.


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